
After the "elections", the enemy continues to force passports to the TOT - Fedorov

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The occupying Russian authorities are intensifying forced passportization in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia region, setting July 1 as the deadline for obtaining a Russian passport.

The occupying Russian authorities are intensifying forced passportization in the TOT of Zaporizhzhia region. The enemy also does not allow people with Ukrainian passports to enter the territory of the Russian Federation and the temporarily occupied territories, so people without a Russian passport who need to visit elderly relatives or sick relatives must undergo strict filtering, which only a small percentage of people pass.

The head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration Ivan Fedorov said this during a telethon, UNN reports.

Passportization continues, the occupiers have set July 1 as the last date to receive a racist passport. Those who have not received a Russian passport by July 1 will be forced to take history and Russian language exams. So, in this way, they intimidate our residents so that they are more active in obtaining Russian passports

- said the head of Zaporizhzhia RMA.

According to Ivan Fedorov, the occupiers nationalize apartments and houses, and then allow them to be registered in the racist register, purely because they have received a Russian passport.

The official also noted that the enemy does not allow people with Ukrainian passports to enter the territory of the Russian Federation and parts of Ukrainian regions temporarily occupied by Russia.

The enemy does not allow people with Ukrainian passports to enter the territory of the Russian Federation and the temporarily occupied territory. So just imagine the situation - if people in Tokmak, Berdiansk, Melitopol have elderly relatives, relatives who need to be visited to help them, they need to be filtered at Sheremetyevo, which is the only checkpoint where you can fly, but only 10% of them are allowed to go there by the enemy so that they can visit their relatives

- Fedorov explained.

На ТОТ Запорізької області загарбники планують призов мешканців у армію росії, посилюються фільтраційні заходи – очільник Запорізької ОВА04.04.24, 17:34


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