
Additional suspicions may be raised in Tyshchenko case - SBI

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MP Mykola Tyshchenko was served a notice of suspicion for the unlawful deprivation of liberty of a former serviceman, and additional suspicions may be announced during the pre-trial investigation.

It is possible that during the pre-trial investigation in the case where MP Mykola Tyshchenko was notified of suspicion, additional suspicions may be announced. This was reported on KYIV24 by the SBI Communications Advisor Tetiana Sapian, according to UNN.  


"The investigation does not exclude that during the pre-trial investigation other circumstances and other facts may come to light, and we do not exclude that additional suspicions may be announced in the criminal proceedings," Sapian said.

According to her, when it comes to the MP's assistant, "she was also searched, just like the MP." "But it is too early to say that she is suspected of anything in the criminal proceedings. But everyone who was involved in the commission of this offense will be interviewed," Sapian said.

She also confirmed the information about the MP's phone.

Під час обшуків Тищенко розбив телефон, щоб не надавати його як доказ - ЗМІ 25.06.24, 10:59

"It's true that he broke his phone, but it won't save the situation in any way. Because today there are enough ways to assemble any gadget, and examinations will still be conducted, and the information stored on the phone may even, I hope, help the investigation in the course of the investigation," Sapian said.


On June 25, the State Bureau of Investigation reportedthat MP Mykola Tyshchenko was served a notice of suspicion over the illegal detention of a former serviceman in Dnipro.

Julia Shramko



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