
Abduction of a teenager by people in military uniforms in Odesa region: proceedings opened, TAC conducts an investigation

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In Odesa region, people in military uniforms kidnapped a 14-year-old teenager but later released him. The police opened a criminal case over the kidnapping, and the TCC is conducting an internal investigation.

The police opened a criminal investigation into the abduction of a 14-year-old boy in Odesa region by people in military uniforms. The Odesa Regional TCC and JV is conducting an internal investigation into the incident. This was reported by the press service of the Main Department of the National Police in Odesa region, UNN reports with reference to Suspilne.


It is reported that this is a case that occurred on April 2 in the village of Pryozerne, Izmail district. The story was published in the publication "Bessarabia Inform". A 14-year-old teenager was dragged into a bus by people in military uniforms. The boy resisted and was subjected to physical violence, his hands were tied, the publication says. After they found out his age, they dropped him off at the entrance to another village. The teenager returned home on foot for several kilometers.

It is noted that the school and the community social service later learned about what happened to the boy. Employees of the latter, together with the grandmother who is raising the teenager, appealed to the police, the prosecutor's office, and the office of the Human Rights Ombudsman.

Перезавантаження ТЦК почалося ще в минулому році - Зеленський06.04.24, 20:10

The publication quotes social worker Oksana Terzi as saying that the police were initially reluctant to investigate the case, but then, after threats of publicity, they took priority measures.

The police press service noted that the proceedings are being investigated under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Illegal imprisonment or abduction of a person). Procedural guidance is provided by the Belgorod-Dniester Military Prosecutor's Office.

Odesa regional TCC and JV reportedthat an internal investigation is being conducted into the situation with the accusation of TCC and JV employees of detaining a minor in Izmail district.

All the circumstances of the incident are being thoroughly investigated,  the command provided maximum assistance to law enforcement agencies acting within the framework of the investigation of the offense under Part 1 of Article 146 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which was registered in the URPI

- the statement said.

"Слідство.Інфо": ТЦК хотіло виписати повістку журналісту за його розслідування щодо посадовця СБУ 06.04.24, 14:48


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