
Zelensky on the attack on Dnipro: Russian terrorists are getting answers, and more and more far-reaching answers every time

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Russian terrorists launched a rocket attack on Dnipro, damaging a college and a kindergarten, but Ukrainian President Zelenskiy vowed that Russia will face increasingly far-reaching responses for such attacks.

Russian terrorists are getting responses to their strikes, and each time they are getting more long-range responses. This is how President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on Russia's missile strike on the Dnipro, UNN reports.

According to Zelenskyy, rescue operations are underway in Dnipro after the Russian missile strike. In particular, the buildings of a college and a kindergarten were damaged.

"All services are in place. And I thank everyone who is responding, who is going to the places of impact to help people as soon as possible. This is the most important thing," Zelensky added.

At the same time, Zelensky assured that the terrorists are receiving responses to their attacks.

"...Russian terrorists are getting responses to their attacks. Each time, they are getting more long-range responses," Zelensky said.

According to him, the Russian system of warfare, everyone involved in this aggression - all of them must feel that they will not get away with this aggression.

"Evil must lose. And it will lose. I emphasize again: Air defense for Ukraine is the protection of life, it is something that must work, the air defense systems that exist in the world cannot just gather dust somewhere on bases when they can save thousands of lives from Russian terror," the President summarized.

Ракетний удар рф по Дніпру: кількість постраждалих зросла до 13, з них 5 - діти02.04.24, 18:45


The Russian army launched a missile attack on the Dnipro.


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