
What is happening in Belgorod and Kursk regions is a direct result of Russian aggression - Yusov

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GUR representative Yusov commented on the breakthrough of Russian volunteers in Russia, pointing out that a joint operation is underway in several areas, and it is quite successful

The Freedom of Russia Legion, the RDC and the Siberian Battalion are operating completely autonomously on the territory of the Russian Federation. a joint operation is underway in several areas, and it is quite successful. And what is happening in the Belgorod and Kursk regions of Russia is a direct consequence of Russian aggression. This is how Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, commented on the breakthrough of Russian volunteers in Russia during a telethon on Tuesday, UNN reports.


"Of course, we know something more. The question is what we can talk about. Indeed, we are talking about the fact that the Freedom of Russia Legion, the RDC and the Siberian Battalion are structures that, since they consist of Russian citizens, act completely autonomously on the territory of the Russian Federation and represent their socio-political programs and goals. Yes, it is known, and there are already official statements from them, that a joint operation is underway on several fronts, and it is quite successful. We see that the Kremlin once again does not control the situation in Russia, even in the face of the so-called pseudo-elections of the Russian dictator," Yusov said.

"Russian citizens, since they have no other means of struggle than parliamentary ones, since opposition leaders are either killed, imprisoned or in exile, have left only armed struggle to the Russians themselves, and they are using this right," the representative of the GUR noted.

"What is happening now in the Belgorod and Kursk regions is a direct consequence of Russia's military aggression and Putin's dictatorship in general. If Putin cares, or if this regime cares at least somehow about local residents, then, of course, it is necessary to stop the war against Ukraine, withdraw troops, and, in fact, think about the safety of local residents, and not think about continuing the genocidal war against Ukraine," the DIU representative added.

Regarding the downing of the Russian Il-76 aircraft near Ivanovo, he noted that he could not provide official information at this time. "For now, we will refrain from commenting," he said.


This morning, the Freedom of Russia Legion announced that they had crossed the border from Russia. Similar videos were posted on their Telegram channels by the RDC and the "Siberian Battalion." 

The FSB and the Russian Defense Ministry deny the infiltration.

Later, the GUR stated that the Freedom of Russia Legion, the RDC and the Siberian Battalion operate as "independent structures and organizations" on the territory of the Russian Federation and that this is probably a joint operation of these units.


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