
Unemployment is growing and the average salary is falling: the economic crisis is worsening in the occupied territories

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The economic crisis is intensifying in the Russian-occupied territories, with rising unemployment and falling average wages, as Russians have brought war and poverty, making locals more dependent on social benefits from the occupiers, according to a report by the Center for National Resistance.

The economic crisis is intensifying in the occupied territories - unemployment is growing and the average salary is falling. This is stated in the report of the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports.


According to the Center, the Russians brought war and poverty to the TOT, because this is the only thing Moscow can export besides oil.

"Unemployment is rising in the TOT, and the average salary is falling. Transfers from Ukraine are blocked. Thus, the Russians are making local residents more dependent on the occupiers' social benefits," the statement said.

The Center for National Resistance called for reporting traitors who help the enemy establish their power to a chatbot so that everyone would be punished for their crimes.

Окупанти провели мілітаристський форум серед підлітків у Маріуполі - Центр нацспротиву01.04.24, 16:26

Antonina Tumanova



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