
Ukrenergo: If there are no new large-scale damages, the energy situation will tend to improve

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Ukrenergo's CEO said that there is every reason to expect that the most difficult period of the summer is over. Without new large-scale damage to power plants, the situation in the power system will improve in the next few weeks.

If there are no new, large-scale damages to power plants, the situation in the power system will tend to improve in the next few weeks. This was stated by Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Chairman of the Board of NPC Ukrenergo, during a briefing, UNN reports.


We have every reason to expect that the most difficult period of the summer is over. We have had a very difficult couple of weeks. And now the situation has really improved, which is due to the fact that this absolutely abnormal, record-breaking heat has finally subsided and electricity consumption has decreased. This is also due to the fact that certain power generating facilities have been repaired, which adds capacity to the power system and reduces the deficit. Instead of the complex 3-4 queue regime, we have 1-2 queues that are applied depending on the hour we are talking about. In some hours, the deficit is lower, in some hours, the deficit is higher. Unless there are any new, large-scale damages to power plants, the situation will tend to improve in the next few weeks for sure

- Kudrytsky said.

He added that the situation in the power system is now stabilized and will tend to improve.

Kudrytskyi also noted that an active repair campaign of power units is currently underway as planned.

They are being repaired for the next winter. We are all well aware of the challenges of the coming winter, based on the amount of generation that was damaged by the enemy over the past month. The repair campaign is ongoing and power units will come out of repair as planned. We hope that some of them will even come out ahead of schedule and thus the situation will improve by increasing the amount of generating capacity in the system

- Kudrytsky added.

He also emphasized that each power plant has its own recovery plan after the shelling.

"The dates are set, when and which power unit should be ready for operation. I don't see any huge problems or alarming signals that would indicate additional risks. All power engineers, all energy companies are working very intensively to prepare for the heating season," Kudrytskyi added.


Starting from July 27, the schedules of stabilization outages in Kyiv will be shifted by one hour. This decision was made at the request of Ukrenergo to ensure an even load on the power system and to differ from the schedules of Kyiv region.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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