
Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy enemy's "Zhytel" electronic warfare system in Zaporizhzhia sector: video

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In the Zaporizhzhia sector, operators of the 3rd separate regiment of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces  destroyed the enemy's Zhytel electronic warfare system. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Telegram channel of the SSO.


Reportedly, while conducting reconnaissance in the Zaporizhzhia direction, operators of the 3rd separate regiment of the SSO discovered the R-330Zh "Zhytel" unmanned aerial vehicle.

The operators directed the fire of a rocket and artillery unit of the Defense Forces at the enemy target.

"As a result of well-coordinated work, the Zhyttel complex was destroyed," the SSO said.

На Харківщині дронарі-прикордонники знищили три позиції росіян та дві ворожі автівки31.03.24, 13:33


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