
Ukraine has identified and entered almost 250 thousand invaders and collaborators into the database

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Thanks to the work of Ukrainian law enforcement officers, almost 250,000 criminals of the Russian army, representatives of illegal armed groups and collaborators are already registered in the War Criminal information database. This was reported by UNN with reference to the statement of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ihor Klymenko.


According to him, the police have already opened more than 105,000 criminal proceedings on war crimes committed by the Russian army, including more than 90,000 cases of violations of the laws and customs of war.

В ООН зафіксували понад 140 випадків страт цивільних українців військовими рф19.12.23, 14:19

We have created and are constantly updating the War Criminal information database. Almost 250,000 criminals of the Russian army, representatives of illegal armed groups and collaborators are currently registered

- Klymenko said.

The Interior Minister noted that the vast majority of proceedings have been transferred to the Security Service of Ukraine. However, some major cases, including the atrocities committed by the invaders against civilians in Bucha and Irpin, are under investigation by police investigators

He also added that  the Interior Ministry cooperates with foreign colleagues, sharing information through Europol and Interpol channels.


Separately, the Ministry of Internal Affairs emphasizes that investigators of the National Police have opened 105,000 criminal proceedings on the facts of crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine by members of the Russian armed forces and their accomplices. Among them:

- More than 90,000 for violating the laws and customs of war;

- 9,249 - encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine;

- 3,507 - collaboration activities;

- 236 - high treason;

Тримали на морозі, били та імітували розстріл: встановили військових рф, які катували людей під час окупації Київщини22.12.23, 14:05

In addition, investigators found 88 places of detention were discovered in the de-occupied territories where Russians illegally detained and tortured citizens.


As of December 22, according to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, 3,800 civilians have survived torture by the occupiersand many cases are under investigation.


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