
Ukraine and Romania discussed parliamentary cooperation, Euro-Atlantic integration and support during the war

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Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Olena Kondratyuk met with Ambassador of Romania to Ukraine Alexandru Victor Micula to discuss parliamentary diplomacy, cooperation between the two countries, European and Euro-Atlantic integration, Romania's support for Ukraine's integration efforts, condemnation of russia's actions and gratitude for Romania's support during the war.

The Vice Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Olena Kondratyuk met with the Ambassador of Romania to Ukraine Alexandru Victor Micula to discuss a number of key issues important for both countries. This was reported by the Press Service of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, UNN reports.

During the meeting, the parties discussed increasing the effectiveness of parliamentary diplomacy and expanding cooperation between Ukraine and Romania, establishing close cooperation between the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the bicameral Parliament of Romania, and exchanging experience in European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Given his experience as the national coordinator for the organization of the Bucharest NATO Summit, Mr. Ambassador noted that Romania fully supports Ukraine's integration efforts.

Olena Kondratyuk also called on her Romanian colleagues to adopt resolutions condemning the mass abduction of Ukrainian children by the terrorist country and the so-called "presidential elections in russia", as these fake elections are "elections without choice".

The Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine personally expressed her gratitude to Romania for its support during the war, recalling that more than 85,000 Ukrainians are under protection in Romania, most of whom are women and children.

We greatly appreciate the efforts to build border infrastructure, create new and develop existing transport corridors for the export of Ukrainian agricultural products. This is a crucial contribution to our economic sustainability

- Olena Kondratyuk said .

Іспанія продовжить програми лікування та реабілітації українських військових - Олена Кондратюк06.03.24, 23:21


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