
Two more children rescued from occupation - Kuleba

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Two more children, one of them an orphan, were rescued from the Russian-occupied territories by the Ukrainian organization Save Ukraine.

Two more children, one of whom is an orphan, were rescued from the temporarily occupied territories, said Mykola Kuleba, founder and head of the Ukrainian organization Save Ukraine, UNN reports .

"Good news at the beginning of the week - Save Ukraine rescued two more children from the occupation, one of whom is an orphan," Kuleba wrote on Telegram. 


Mykola Kuleba said that they managed to take out of the occupation an 8-year-old girl and a boy who have been taken care of by his grandmother for seven years. 

According to him, his grandmother decided to leave permanently when a shell hit their yard at half past six in the morning. The shock wave destroyed part of the house. 

It was very difficult for the family to leave the occupation. At the border, the Russian special services arranged a real mockery for an elderly woman and an orphan boy - they gutted all their belongings and threw everything out of their bags. There was no reason for this. During the difficult journey, the woman began to have problems with her legs.

"As of today, we have already rescued 284 children, 73 of whom are orphans," Kuleba said.

росіяни готуються до вивезення українських дітей з окупованих територій до рф на "оздоровлення" - Центр спротиву08.04.24, 14:42


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