
Two enemy reconnaissance drones destroyed over the Black Sea

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Two russian reconnaissance drones, Supercam and Orlan-10, were shot down by the Odesa Air Defense Brigade over the Black Sea on April 7, 2024.

"Supercam" and "Orlan-10" were destroyed by soldiers of the Odesa anti-aircraft missile brigade on April 7. This was reported by the defense forces of southern Ukraine, UNN reports.

The report clarifies that during the day of April 07, 2024, in the Odesa region, over the Black Sea, soldiers of the Odesa Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade destroyed 2 russian reconnaissance UAVs - Supercam and Orlan-10.

Сили оборони відбили ворожий напад, знищивши 17 безпілотників у протиповітряному бою07.04.24, 08:13


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