
Those involved in the shooting of policemen in Vinnytsia region are suspected of desertion

 • 17028 переглядiв

The State Bureau of Investigation is investigating the fact of desertion of military personnel involved in the shooting of law enforcement officers in Vinnytsia region on April 20, the bureau said on Monday, UNN reports.

SBI officers serve notice of suspicion of desertion to servicemen involved in shooting of police officers in Vinnytsia region

- the statement said.

It is also reported that law enforcement officers are checking information about the theft of explosives and weapons by the suspects from their military unit.

 According to the investigation, on April 19, 2024, servicemen, a father and son, left the military unit in Odesa region without permission. They stole a service pistol that was assigned to one of them.

Later, at about 2 a.m. on April 20, 2024, in Vinnytsia region, the suspects shot at law enforcement officers and fled the scene.

Law enforcement officers detained them on April 21, 2024, in the village of Lypetske, Podil district, Odesa region.

The investigation under Article 348 (murder or attempted murder of a law enforcement officer) is being conducted by the National Police.


On April 20, at around 02:00, in Vinnytsia region, two men opened fire on police officers who stopped them for a curfew check. One law enforcement officer was killed, the other was wounded . He is in hospital in a moderate condition.

Нацполіція показала відео затримання батька та сина-військовослужбовців, які підозрюються у вбивстві поліцейського на Вінниччині21.04.24, 20:12


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