
The shelling of Kurakhivska TPP caused nearly UAH 1 billion in damage to land resources and the environment

 • 19118 переглядiв

Enemy shelling caused about UAH 1 billion worth of damage to the land and environment of Kurakhivska TPP in Donetsk Oblast.

As a result of enemy shelling, the land resources of Kurakhivska TPP suffered damage worth more than UAH 986 million, and another UAH 1 million was caused to the environment. This was reported by the press service of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.


As a result of enemy attacks on Kurakhivska TPP, land resources were damaged to the tune of over UAH 986 million, and the environment suffered another UAH 1 million in losses.

The State Ecological Inspectorate in Donetsk Oblast has calculated the amount of damage caused by the contamination of land resources at Kurakhivska TPP as a result of armed aggression and hostilities during martial law. The amount of damage caused to the land resources of the Kurakhovskaya TPP territory is more than UAH 986 million

- the statement said.

In addition, the inspectorate conducted 10 assessments of damage related to air pollution. The total amount of environmental damage caused by the hostilities exceeds UAH 1 million.


Ukraine, together with partners , is deploying a network of small and medium-sized cogeneration plants in 32 cities to provide stable heat and electricity to more than 1 million residents and 1,000 social facilities, increasing resilience to power outages.

Атака рф на Трипільську ТЕС: Х-69 є покращеною версією Х-59. Але точний тип ракети, якою було завдано удару, ще встановлюється - Повітряні сили 12.04.24, 12:24

Iryna Kolesnik



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