
The Navy confirms the defeat of the russian ship "kommuna"

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Ukraine's Navy confirms a strike on the russian ship "kommuna" in Crimea that disabled it.

The Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have hit another ship from the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation, the kommuna. This was reported by Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk on his Facebook page, UNN reports.

Today in Crimea, the Ukrainian Navy retrieved another ship from the russian Black Sea Fleet "kommuna". The nature of the damage is being verified. But it is clear that the ship is no longer capable of performing its tasks. This will be repeated until the russians run out of ships or leave Crimea

- Pletenchuk said.


On the morning of April 21, explosions were heard in Sevastopol, and the russian occupiers claimed to have repelled an attack on one of the ships.

рф вивела більшу частину кораблів чорноморського флоту і підводних човнів із Севастополя - британська розвідка18.04.24, 13:26


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