
The Ministry of Education has approved a system of re-crediting grades from foreign schools: what is known

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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has approved a system for converting grades from foreign schools to the Ukrainian 12-point grading system, which simplifies the work of teachers and ensures a smooth transition for students returning from abroad.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has approved a system for re-calculating grades from foreign schools. This should greatly simplify the work of teachers. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, UNN reports .


In order to re-credit the learning outcomes obtained by students at schools abroad, the Ministry of Education and Science has approved a scale for correlating the grading systems of different countries with the Ukrainian 12-point system. Tables with the correlation of assessment models of different countries are available at link.

Previously, schools did not have clear scales of correspondence between Ukrainian and foreign grades. Now, the work of teachers will be somewhat easier, and parents and students will be calm about their results!

- the statement said.

The essence of the innovation

The scale aligns the grading systems of different countries with the Ukrainian 12-point system. Students can transfer grades from subjects that are common with the host country. The rest of the subjects, such as Ukrainian language, literature, and history, are studied under modified (shortened) programs and are assessed remotely.

How does it work in practice?

If a student receives a good grade in math in Poland, this is 8 points on our scale. If the grading systems differ, it is recommended to give the grade in favor of the child. The table presents 25 countries, including the United States, Germany, Poland, Italy, and France. For other cases, there is a general grade conversion table.

Prospects for students

The innovations will help students continue their studies in Ukraine without interruption upon their return. Students can take an annual assessment before the new school year with the results from abroad being re-credited.

Students will be able to choose their own pace and duration of study: the Parliament has adopted a decision4/23/24, 2:47 PM • [views_17376]

Olga Rozgon



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