
The media found out who could become vice president of the United States if Trump wins the election

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If Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election in 2024, he is considering North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum as a potential vice president, according to reports.

If Donald Trump wins the US presidential election, North Dakota Governor Doug Bergam may become the country's vice president. This was reported by Axios, UNN .

Details [1

The Trump team considers Bergam to be a "safe option" that can attract the votes of moderate voters.

Sources say that Trump and his wife Melania hosted Bergam and his wife Katherine at their Mar-a-Lago residence for an Easter brunch. In addition, in recent weeks, Trump has often mentioned Bergam's name in conversations with allies.

According to Axios , Trump and Bergam's representatives declined to comment on this information. 

Байден висміяв Трампа та пожартував про свій вік на вечері кореспондентів Білого дому на тлі протесту28.04.24, 11:19


It is noted that Bergam's traits are very similar to Mike Pence, whom Trump chose as vice president in 2016. Also, the publication's interlocutors say that he likes Bergam's balanced demeanor and his experience as a governor.

In particular, Bergam agrees with Trump on many issues, including abortion.

The publication added that Bergam also claimed to be a Republican presidential candidate, but dropped out of the race in December.


Advisors to former US President Donald Trump are considering imposing sanctions if countries refuse to use the dollar. In particular, they are discussing the imposition of sanctions against countries "seeking active ways to participate in bilateral trade" without the dollar.


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