
The law on mobilization has been officially published: when it will come into force

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The Law of Ukraine on Mobilization will come into force one month after the day following its publication.

The law on mobilization was published in the official newspaper of the Verkhovna Rada "Holos Ukrainy" on April 17, it will come into force one month after the day following its publication, UNN reports.


According to the newspaper, the law on enhanced mobilization was published today, April 17, and it comes into force one month after the day following its publication. Thus, the new law will come into effect on May 18.


On April 11, the Verkhovna Rada passed a draft law on mobilization that introduces various provisions, including the obligation of persons with disabilities to undergo a second medical examination after February 24, 2022, restrictions on driving for those who evade military service, and the need to carry military registration documents.

On April 16, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law on mobilization.