
The first edition of the book "Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone" sold for 44.5 thousand pounds

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A rare first edition of the Harry Potter book has been sold at a rare book auction in Britain for £ 45,000. This is reported by the BBC, writes UNN.


In the 1990s, Kristin McCulloch bought a copy of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone for her son Adam. She said that she paid about 10 pounds (1 12) for a copy at a bookstore in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1997 and did not even know that the same book would cost thousands of pounds in 30 years.

On Wednesday, the first edition was sold at a rare book auction in Litchfield, Staffordshire. In total, together with the purchase premium, the buyer paid 45 thousand pounds sterling (5 55.6 thousand).

According to the Hansons Auctioneers auction house, this book is one of only 500 hardcover copies published in the first edition of the Potter book in 1997.

Телеканал HBO шукає акторів для нового серіалу про Гаррі Поттера11.09.24, 16:17

Adam McCulloch of Tansley, Derbyshire, said the copy was left in a closet under the stairs of his family's former home in Chesterfield. The family learned about the potential value of the book only during quarantine in 2020, after seeing stories about the first editions.

Speaking about the moment Kristin McCulloch bought the book in 1997, she added: "We went [to a bookstore] and bought it for £ 10. Adam really loved this book, and it started with the kind of passion that many children around the world now have.

Роулінг "має право висловлювати особисті погляди": HBO захищає автора романів про Гаррі Поттера25.11.24, 11:02


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