
The Cabinet of Ministers has defined the list of cases when medical institutions can provide services for payment

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The Cabinet  of Ministers of Ukraine has determined the list of cases in which state-owned and municipal healthcare facilities can provide paid medical and additional services to patients not covered by the medical guarantee program. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Ministry of Health.


This will help to reduce informal payments and corruption, as each patient will clearly know what is and is not covered by the health insurance program. The cost of paid services will be paid to the official account of the hospital at a clearly defined rate

- Viktor Lyashko, the head of the Ministry of Health, is sure. 

Що робити при сонячних опіках: у МОЗ дали поради29.06.24, 18:08

In which cases patients or other individuals and legal entities will pay for medical services in full: 

  • a patient's request without a doctor's referral, unless a referral is required by law;
  • provision of medical services by healthcare institutions under contracts with legal entities;
  • provision of medical services in healthcare facilities of the security and defense sector and the State Administration of Affairs to patients who do not belong to the assigned contingent;
  • provision of medical services that are not covered by the program of state guarantees of medical care for the population. 

The Ministry of Health emphasizes that the adopted resolution will make it possible to clearly define which medical services are covered under the medical guarantees program and which are not.

In particular, the document stipulates that medical interventions that are not in the table of comparison of medical services with the codes of the national classifier NK 025:2021 "Classifier of Diseases and Related Health Problems" and/or the national classifier NK 026:2021 "Classifier of Medical Interventions" approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of 03.04.2020 No. 773 are not covered under the medical guarantee program and may be provided for a fee from legal entities and individuals

- the Ministry of Health explained.

The Ministry adds that by the moment the resolution enters into force, the Ministry of Health plans to revise the comparison table so that the medical guarantees program clearly defines the list of services guaranteed to each patient. 

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers has defined cases in which patients will pay only for additional services, while the cost of the medical service itself will be covered by the medical guarantee program. These are: 

  • provision of medical services at the patient's place of residence (home) or stay, provided that this is the patient's wish and not due to his/her medical condition;
  • the ability to independently choose a treating physician when receiving specialized medical care in a planned manner in an inpatient setting; 
  • stay in a ward with an increased level of comfort and service at the patient's request. 

Влітку підвищується ризик зараження правцем: в МОЗ розповіли, як уберегтися 24.06.24, 16:13


It is noted that all healthcare institutions of state and municipal ownership must publish on their official websites and place on information stands in hospitals full information with a list of paid medical services with their cost, as well as a full list of free medical services provided under the program of state guarantees of public services. 

The provision of paid medical services must be documented with relevant supporting documents and entered into the electronic healthcare system, indicating the source of payment, and payment must be made exclusively in non-cash form. Healthcare institutions will be able to independently determine the cost of paid medical services

- the Ministry of Health emphasizes. 

The Ministry also added that those medical institutions that operate in the form of an institution will be able to carry out additional economic activities in accordance with their charters, independently setting fees for them.

В Україні розпочався сезон холери: МОЗ підготувало рекомендації, як уникнути хвороби 01.06.24, 18:10


The Ministry of Health has approved a unified form of medical certificateissued by a family doctor for enrolling a child in educational institutions of all levels.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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