
Texas manhunt for sex offender who escaped from prison

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Robert Yancey Jr, a pedophile sentenced to life imprisonment, escaped from a Texas prison, his car was spotted in Victoria County. His mother was arrested later that evening.

A man who is serving serving a life sentence for child molestation, escaped from prison. The man is serving a life sentence for child molestation. this was reported on Sunday by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, in a post on the platform X, reports UNN.


The 39-year-old Robert Yancey Jr. fled around 3:38 p.m. on Sunday in a white Nissan Versa. License plate. The Nissan was captured by a statewide license plate reader system, which alerted authorities that the vehicle was spotted around 6:09 p.m. in Victoria County Victoria County, about 110 miles west of Brazoria, the sheriff's office said. sheriff's office.

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Yancey Jr. was was sentenced to life without parole in 2022 for the for sustained sexual abuse of a child, according to prison records. inmate records.

His mother, Lenore Priestle, was arrested on Sunday night on an arrest warrant for during a traffic stop around 8:25 p.m. local time, ABC 25's KXXV program reported, citing Victoria police.

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Ihor Telezhnikov

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