
Slovakia warns Ukraine of possible retaliatory measures for stopping the transit of Russian Lukoil oil

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Slovakia's president and defense minister strongly condemned Ukraine's decision to stop oil transit. They warned of possible retaliatory measures if the situation does not improve.

Slovak President Peter Pellegrini and Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Robert Kaliniak sharply criticize Ukraine for stopping the transit of Russian Lukoil oil, reports Slovak newspaper Denník N, UNN writes.


According to the defense minister, Kyiv is "taking a big risk" in doing so. The Slovak president suggested that "if the situation persists, Slovakia may take unspecified retaliatory measures," the newspaper writes.

He recalled that Slovakia has helped Ukraine with gas reverse flows and is assisting it with electricity supplies.

"If the situation does not improve, we will have to react," the president said, adding that, in his opinion, Slovakia does not deserve such an approach from Ukraine. "Ukraine's actions were irresponsible," Kaliniak added.


Slovakia and Hungary saidthat Ukraine has stopped transit of oil from Russia's Lukoil.

Slovak Prime Minister Fico criticizes Ukraine's sanctions against Lukoil.


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