
SBU: Wreckage of X-101 cruise missile body found at site of attack on Okhmatdyt

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At the site of this morning's attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital, fragments of the rear body of an X-101 missile with a serial number and part of the rudder of the same missile were found. Criminal proceedings have been opened on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder. This was reported by the Security Service of Ukraine , UNN .

The SBU has classified the Russian attack on the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Okhmatdyt" as a war crime and opened criminal proceedings over the incident. According to preliminary data of the SBU investigators, the occupants used a strategic cruise missile X-101 to fire on the medical facility. Relevant evidence has already been found at the scene of the tragedy: in particular, fragments of the rear body of the X-101 missile with a serial number and part of the rudder of the same missile

- the statement said.

The SBU assured that Russia would pay for this inhuman crime.

"The Security Service will do everything possible to ensure that the enemy feels the maximum retribution for each of its war crimes, including today's attack on Ukraine. This retribution will be both legal and moral. A terrorist state is not an abstract concept. There are specific names of murderers. And nothing will save them from justice," said SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk.

The Security Service added that as of 3 p.m. on July 8, two hospital employees were killed in an enemy "attack," and the number of injured increased to 16, including three children.

Criminal proceedings were opened on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder.


Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, said that the most damaged objects as a result of today's Russian missile attack on the capital were most likely hit by enemy X-101 missiles.

"The parts and debris that have been identified as of this hour are poorly preserved and highly fragmented. Taking into account the available markings and design features, we can preliminarily say that the strikes were carried out by X-101 cruise missiles. The final conclusions will be submitted to the pre-trial investigation authorities after all the necessary examinations are conducted.

Today's enemy missile attack is particularly cynical, with a significant number of children injured and numerous shrapnel wounds among eyewitnesses. We hope that the search and rescue operations will be completed as soon as possible. We express our sincere words of support to all the victims," said Ruvin.


The head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak, called on Western countries to cut off the channels of supplying microelectronics componentsto Russia, which it uses in its missiles.


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