
Sanctioned property will be sold at online auctions, proceeds will be used to eliminate the consequences of war - Ministry of Economy

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Ukraine will put up for online auction through the Prozorro.Sale system the property under sanctions, and the proceeds will be transferred to the fund to overcome the consequences of armed aggression. The State Property Fund will organize the auctions.

The property under Ukrainian sanctions will be to be sold at online auctions in the Prozorro.Sale system, and the proceeds will be transferred to the accounts of the Fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression, the Ministry of Economy reported, UNN writes.

The government has approved the Procedure for managing sanctioned property. From now on, such assets will be sold through online auctions in the Prozorro.Sale

- the Ministry of Economy reported. 


The organizer of electronic auctions for the sale of sanctioned property in the ProZorro.Sale system will be the State Property Fund, and the money from its sale and lease will go to the accounts of the Fund for Liquidation of the Consequences of Armed aggression.

Participants of the auctions will be able to take part in them by registering through one of the sites accredited in the Prozorro.Sale system. platforms. All information about online auctions for the sale of sanctioned assets will be available on the official website

SEE ALSO: Almost 200 state-owned objects are planned to be put up for privatization by the end of the year 

To recap

The Digital Transformation Office of the State Property Fund has launched a website that contains a list of all seized assets of Russians and collaborators that have been transferred to the Fund's management.

Lilia Podolyak



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