
russians strike in Kharkiv region: two civilians are injured, destruction and fires are reported

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As a result of hostile attacks in the Kharkiv region, an industrial building was destroyed, cars and a residential building were damaged. Two stable workers were injured in the village of Lisne, and criminal proceedings were opened.

Hostile  attacks in the Kharkiv region destroyed an industrial building, damaged cars, and set a fire in a residential building. Two stable workers were injured in the village of Lisne. This was reported by the Police of the Kharkiv region, UNN reports.


Today, Kharkiv region suffered a series of attacks by the occupation forces, which resulted in civilian casualties. At about 5:15, terrorists struck Kharkiv, causing the destruction of an industrial building and damage to cars.

A residential building in Nemyshlyansky district of the city was also hit, causing a fire. A non-residential building and at least 5 cars were damaged.

A separate attack was conducted on the village of Lisne in the Malodanylivka community, where a wooden stable was damaged. In this case, two stable workers were injured.

Investigative teams, explosive ordnance disposal specialists, rescuers and medics promptly arrived at the scene to provide assistance and document the consequences of the attacks.

Criminal proceedings have been opened over violations of the laws and customs of war under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Харків під ворожим обстрілом: загинув один цивільний, зайнялася пожежа в приватному секторі24.07.24, 06:20

Julia Kotvitskaya



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