
Russians start using K-51 aerosol grenades - spokesman for the Kharkiv military base

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The Russian occupiers have resumed the use of K-51 aerosol grenades, prohibited by the Geneva Convention, in the Kharkiv region. Over the ten years of the war, more than 460 cases of the use of this weapon have been recorded, including at the Donetsk airport.

Russian occupants have once again started using K-51 aerosol grenades, which are prohibited by the Geneva Convention. This was reported by the spokesman for the Kharkiv operational and tactical group Vitaliy Sarantsev during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN .

Another shameful fact about the occupiers is that they have once again started using K-51 aerosol grenades. These weapons are prohibited by the Geneva Convention. This is not the first time, they have been used for a long time. The enemy used them at the Donetsk airport. In total, there were more than 460 cases of using this munition during the entire ten-year war

- Sarantsev said.

Наводив фосфорні снаряди рф на Миколаївщину: зрадник отримав 15 років тюрми 08.05.24, 16:42


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