
Russians intensify shelling in Sumy region, firing 40 times at border areas

 • 100786 переглядiв

The Russians opened fire 40 times and caused 90 explosions in many settlements of Sumy region, using various types of weapons - artillery, mortars, drones and helicopters.

During the day, Russians fired 40 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 90 explosions were recorded. The Khotyn, Yunakiv, Miropil, Bilopil, Vorozhbiansk, Krasnopil, Velykopysariv, Hlukhiv, Shalyhyne, Esman, Seredyno-Budsk communities were shelled. This was reported by the Sumy RMA, UNN reports.


▪️Хотінська community: explosive devices were dropped from a UAV (6 explosions), 6 NAR missiles were launched from 2 helicopters (6 explosions).

▪️Краснопільська community: the enemy attacked with 2  FPV drones (2 explosions), an artillery strike (3 explosions) and dropped explosive devices from a UAV (6 explosions).

▪️Шалигинська community: Russians dropped 13 mines on the territory of the community.

▪️Миропільська community: FPV drone strikes (6 explosions), mortar shelling (2 explosions), and MLRS  shelling (7 explosions) were recorded.

▪️Ворожбянська community: an FPV drone attack (2 explosions).

▪️Есманьська community: the enemy attacked with mortars (2 explosions), carried out  FPV strikes with drones (8 explosions).

▪️Великописарівська community: there were  FPV strikes by drones (4 explosions), 10 NAR missiles  launched from a helicopter (10 explosions), explosive devices dropped from a UAV (2 explosions), mortar shelling (2 explosions).

▪️Глухівська community: 1  FPV drone strike (1 explosion).

▪️Середино-Budsk community:  FPV drone strikes  were recorded (2 explosions).

▪️Юнаківська community: 2 mines were dropped by the enemy on the territory of the community and an FPV drone strike was carried out (2 explosions).

▪️Білопільська community: the enemy dropped explosive devices from a UAV (2 explosions).

Сумська область: рф завдала удару, спричинивши 31 вибух06.04.24, 08:45


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