
russia plans to produce 683 cruise missiles and more than 215 thousand aircraft bombs next year - CNS

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In Russia, next year the Russians plan to produce 683 cruise missiles and more than 215 thousand aircraft bombs and unguided missiles. This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, according to UNN.


It is noted that the Center of National Resistance received access to the plans of the Russian military-industrial complex for 2024 for production and supply of cruise missiles and aircraft bombs.

According to the documents, next year the Russians plan to to produce and deliver 683 cruise missiles and more than 215 thousand aircraft bombs and unguided missiles. Of which:

X-31PM (75 units);

X-59M2A (133 units);

-       X-38ML (150 units);

-       X-101 (167 units);

-       X-29TD (46 units);

-       X-32 (various modifications, 112 units); X-32 units);

-       FAB-1500 (1000 units);

-       C-8 (various modifications, 195 thousand);

-       C-13DF (20 thousand units);

-       UPAB-1500 (191 units);

-       ABSP-3000 (600 units).

The CNS noted that the authenticity of the documents was confirmed from other sources. Therefore, we can state the fact that the burden on the the Russian military-industrial complex, which indicates the enemy's intention to continue the war and unwillingness to to negotiate.


The other day, military analyst BILD Julian Röpke, citing sources intelligence sources said that Russia intends to continue military operations in Ukraine until 2026, and during this time it plans to capture most of Zaporizhzhia, Dnipro and Kharkiv regions, including their regional centers.

росія може вербувати тих, хто втік за кордон, для дестабілізації ситуації у Харкові – політолог21.12.23, 12:59


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