
Regime change and the collapse of Russia: Skibitsky talks about the Kremlin's biggest fears

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Vadym Skibitsky of the Ukrainian GUR said that the main fears of Russians are regime change in Moscow and the collapse of the country against the backdrop of a police state. According to unofficial data, only 40% support the Kremlin's actions.

The terrorist state of Russia has built a powerful police regime. Therefore, the Kremlin's biggest fear now is either its destruction or the fragmentation and disintegration of Russia as a whole. This was stated by Vadym Skibitsky, a representative of the Ukrainian State Intelligence Service. UNN reports .

The regime is stable. It controls the country. It has created a powerful not only power bloc, but also a police regime that allows it to maintain the political course that Russia has today. What are they most afraid of? Very simply, two things. The first is regime change in Moscow. And the second is the fragmentation or disintegration of Russia. Accordingly, in order to preserve this, it is necessary to pursue the policy that exists today. 

- said the DIU representative.


According to official data, 79% of the population supports the Kremlin's actions. According to unofficial data, it is about 40% who support the continuation of the so-called "special military operation," noted Vadym Skibitskyi.

He also reminded that Russia's objectives in the war against Ukraine are to reach the administrative borders of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and maintain control over all temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories.

У росії зростає рівень невдоволення війною ― Скібіцький 21.12.23, 21:42

"Putin's goals for the so-called 'svoya' will not be achieved either in 2022 or 2023. He is simply postponing them to the next year," Skibitsky said.

У росії оголосили в розшук начальника ГУР України Буданова14.12.23, 08:59

Anna Onishchenko



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