
Polish Foreign Minister to talk to NATO Secretary General about missile violation of the country's airspace

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A Russian missile violated Polish airspace for 39 seconds, forcing Poland's foreign minister to discuss the incident with NATO's secretary general.

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said he would discuss the missile violation of the country's airspace with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. This was reported by UNN with reference to Polskie Radio. 

"We will consult in the office, I will also talk to the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg," Sikorsky said, answering a question about the Russian missile incident.  

When asked about the summons of the Russian ambassador, he said that "we will demand explanations, but we will probably get demagoguery.

"Of course, we will express our condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims (of the shooting in the shopping center in Russia - ed.), but at the same time we suggest that instead of sowing terror in Ukraine, Russia should be engaged in terror at home," the Polish Foreign Minister emphasized. 

Asked by journalists whether the Russian ambassador had already been officially summoned to the Foreign Ministry, Sikorsky replied: "And please leave the technical issues to us." 


On the night of March 24, a Russian cruise missile launched from Ukraine violated Polish airspace. The missile entered Polish airspace near the village of Ocerdów in the Lublin Voivodeship. It stayed there for 39 seconds. 

The Polish military decided not to shoot it down because of the risk of debris falling on their territory.

Порушення повітряного простору ракетою: посла росії викличуть у МЗС Польщі24.03.24, 15:55


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