
Over a week, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed almost 7,000 russians and more than 800 pieces of russian equipment

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Over the past week, from April 21 to April 28, 2024, the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed about 6,620 russian servicemen. In addition, the Ukrainian military eliminated almost a thousand pieces of russian weapons and military equipment over the week.

Over the past week, the Ukrainian Defense Forces eliminated 6,620 occupants and 849 units of russian weapons and military equipment. This was stated by the Commander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Pavliuk, UNN reports.


During the week of April 21-28, 2024, the Ukrainian Defense Forces killed about 6620 enemy personnel

- Pavlyuk summarized. 

According to him, russian troops' weapons and military equipment suffered significant losses. In particular: 

  • 50 tanks;
  • 95 armored combat vehicles;
  •  229 artillery systems;
  • 4 MLRS;
  • 9 air defense systems;
  • 280 vehicles;
  •   45 units of special equipment;

In addition, our defenders destroyed 9 missiles and 128 UAVs.

Сирський показав, як українська авіація нищить окупантів на Донеччині та Запоріжжі28.04.24, 23:41


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