
Over 34,000 Ukrainian soldiers trained in the UK

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More than 34,000 Ukrainian recruits have been trained in the UK and 12 partner countries as part of Operation Interflex, a training program for the Ukrainian military organized by the UK.

The United Kingdom , together with 12 partner countries, has trained more than 34,000 Ukrainian recruits as part of Operation Interflex, the UK Ministry of Defense reports, according to UNN

The UK and 12 partner nations are standing together to support Ukraine in training its recruits. UK-based Operation Interflex has trained over 34,000 Ukrainian recruits with the help of our partners

- the Defense Ministry said in a post on social network X.

For reference 

Operation Interflex is a training program for the Ukrainian military in accordance with the standards of the Royal United Kingdom Armed Forces. The program is organized by the United Kingdom in cooperation with the countries participating in the Joint Expeditionary Force and other allies. 

Король Нідерландів поспілкувався з українськими військовими, які тренуються у Британії 21.03.24, 17:31


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