
Occupants put ZNPP Unit 5 into cold shutdown - IAEA

 • 17097 переглядiв

the Russian occupiers, who control Zaporizhzhia NPP, put Unit 5, which had previously suffered a reagent leak, into a "cold shutdown" state.

The Russian occupiers who control Zaporizhzhya NPP are putting Unit 5, which previously suffered a reagent leak, into a "cold shutdown" state. This is stated in the IAEA report, UNN reports.


This is done so that experts can determine the cause of the boron detection in the cooling circuit.

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) is switching its reactor unit 5 from a hot shutdown to a cold shutdown and intends to determine the cause of the boron detection in the cooling circuit, leaving one of the plant's six reactors in a hot shutdown to produce steam and heat

- the report says.

SEE ALSO: Partial blackout occurred at Zaporizhzhia NPP due to actions of racists - Energoatom

The agency added that the 4th power unit will remain in a state of "hot shutdown". The occupiers also assured the IAEA that they do not plan to put the 2nd power unit into a "hot stop" state to replace the 5th.

After the cold shutdown, ZNPP will conduct tests to determine why low levels of boron were detected in the secondary cooling circuit of one of the power unit's steam generators

- the statement said.


The occupation administration of ZNPP informed the IAEA experts who are at the plant that the concentration of boron in the relevant cooling circuit remains below the limits allowed by its technical characteristics.

SEE ALSO: IAEA conducts inspection at ZNPP after 90-minute reactor blackout

In addition, no radioactivity was detected in the secondary cooling circuit. At the same time, borated water is used in the primary coolant to maintain nuclear safety.

For reference

Cold shutdown is a safe state of a nuclear reactor when it is shut down and has low pressure and temperature of cooling water. In a hot shutdown, the water is heated by the idle reactor.

As a reminder

On November 16, it became known that as a result of the transfer of the 5th power unit of the temporarily occupied ZNPP to the "hot" state in violation of the SNRIU license and Energoatom requirements, an incident occurred with a leakage of reagents from the first reactor circuit to the second.

At the same time, despite the violations, the occupation authorities were in no hurry to transfer the unit to a "cold shutdown" state, using the steam generated by Unit 5 for heating and meeting the plant's own needs.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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