
Occupants are actively building fortifications on the Mariupol-Donetsk highway

 • 27472 переглядiв

The occupiers are actively building fortifications on the Mariupol-Donetsk highway and are trying to build a railroad from Rostov to Mariupol. The new railroad line should simplify Russian military logistics and reduce dependence on the Crimean bridge.

Russians will actively build fortifications on the Mariupol-Donetsk highway. They also continue their efforts to build a railroad from Rostov-on-Don to occupied Mariupol. This was stated by the Mariupol City Council, UNN reports.


The invaders continue to build fortifications near the village of Hranitne in the area of the Mariupol-Donetsk highway. In addition, Russians continue to supply military equipment and manpower to the north of Donetsk region

- the post reads. 

It is noted that the occupiers also continue to try to build a railroad from Russia from Rostov-on-Don to Mariupol, and then they plan to run it to Crimea.

Ймовірно, готуються до прийому ракетоносіїв: росіяни поглиблюють порт у Маріуполі28.06.24, 15:02

The new railroad line in the "deep rear" should simplify military logistics and reduce the Russian army's dependence on the Crimean bridge. Guerrillas have repeatedly carried out sabotage activities, but the occupiers continue construction

- the department explained. 


Mariupol mayor's advisor Petro Andriushchenko says Russians are building new fortifications and logistics infrastructure near the village of Hranitne along the Mariupol-Donetsk highway to support their frontline operations in Donetsk region.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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