
North Korea and the Russian Federation use the special economic zone "Rason" for arms trade - Reuters

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SEZ "Rason" in North Korea becomes the center of increased trade with Russia, which contributes to the supply of North Korean weapons to Moscow.

The Rason Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in North Korea is gradually becoming the epicenter of North Korea's growing trade with russia, including the supply of weapons for moscow's war in Ukraine, Reuters reportsand UNN reports.


The Rason Special Economic Zone was established in the early 1990s in the east of the country on the border with China and russia and had  some success, but new sanctions and border closures during the COVID-19 pandemic have halted almost all trade and tourism there.

In recent months, however, there have been clear signs that the area is ready to resume active operations: ships have begun docking there for the first time since 2018, and satellite imagery shows a surge in trade from both the port and the rail line to russia.

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Analysts say that amid the war in Ukraine, North Korea and Russia are becoming very close, and the Rason SEZ with its ready-made infrastructure will allow the two countries to quickly increase trade.

In addition to commercial products, experts are convinced that Rason is also used to supply North Korean weapons to Russia. This is indicated by satellite images of the local port with Russian warships associated with the logistics system of the russian army, which have been frequently calling at the port since August. It is believed that these ships are transporting weapons from North Korea to russia, including 2,000 containers that could contain artillery shells and short-range missiles.

Observers have also found that there has been increased activity at the Tumangan railway station in Rason, which has a connection to Russia, since the end of last year, and that there have been significantly more freight cars on the railroad tracks since the visit of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to Pyongyang in July.


It is noted that through Rason, russia can supply more coal, oil and flour to the DPRK, as well as send more tourists to North Korea. In addition, if North Korean workers are allowed to go to work in Russia again, they will have more opportunities to send Russian goods, medicines, and other things to their relatives back home.

SEE ALSO: South Korea considers re-establishing guard posts in the demilitarized zone due to North Korea's military actions

Reuters notes that last year 97% of all DPRK foreign trade went to China, and the current distribution is difficult to establish because the Federal Customs Service has suspended publication of foreign trade statistics.

However, in December last year, Russia resumed oil exports to North Korea for the first time since 2020 and by April had exported about 67.3 thousand barrels through Rason. In the near future, Russian deliveries through the Rason FEZ are expected to grow rapidly, and the range of products will be constantly expanded, including timber and food.

For reference 

Rason is the oldest and largest of North Korea's 29 economic development zones, and is central to the country's efforts to attract foreign investment. According to experts and North Korean government publications, it is home to one of North Korea's first and largest markets, the country's first mobile network, and the only place where North Korea legalized the sale and purchase of homes in 2018.


On November 22, North Korea launched a reconnaissance satellite into orbit , ignoring warnings from the United States and its allies. In response, South Korea suspended part of the military agreement signed with Pyongyang in 2018.

SEE ALSO: North Korea gets help from Russia to launch reconnaissance satellite - Reuters

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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