
Murder of a 9-year-old Ukrainian girl in Germany: Czech Republic hands over suspect to German law enforcement

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A 36-year-old Moldovan citizen suspected of murdering a 9-year-old Ukrainian girl, Valeria, in Germany was handed over by Czech law enforcement to German authorities and is currently in custody in a penal colony in Saxony.

Czech law enforcement officers handed over to their German colleagues a 36-year-old Moldovan citizen suspected of the murder of 9-year-old Ukrainian Valeria in Germany. This was reported by the Saxony police, according to UNN.


The defendant, who appeared before the investigating judge of the Chemnitz District Court on July 10, did not comment on the charges. The judge upheld the issued arrest warrant.

The accused is currently in custody in a Saxon penal colony.


On Wednesday, June 12, law enforcement officials confirmed that the body found on June 11 in a forest near Debelle, Germany, belonged to a missing nine-year-old girl from Ukraine. 

The girl was last seen on June 3 on her way to school in Debelna. But she never made it there. For eight days, one hundred police officers and dozens of volunteers searched for the girl. Valeria, a native of Ukraine, had been living in Germany with her mother since 2022. 

Subsequently, on June 14, a person suspected of the murder of 9-year-old Ukrainian girl Valeria, which took place in Germany, was detained in Prague. He was a 36-year-old citizen of Moldova, who was the partner of the deceased girl's mother. 

Розслідування вбивства 9-річної української дівчинки у Німеччині: один із підозрюваних надав алібі13.06.24, 17:00

Volodymyr Omelchenko

Crimes and emergencies


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