In Ukraine, on August 16, mostly no precipitation, only in the west there will be some rain. Temperature at night 10-20°, during the day 24-34°, the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center told UNN.
No precipitation today, only in Prykarpattia and Transcarpathia in the afternoon there will be some short-term rain and thunderstorms.
Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s.
Temperatures in the southwestern part of Ukraine and Kherson region are 15-20° at night and 29-34° during the day; in the rest of the country, 10-15° at night, 24-29° during the day, and 18-23° in the Carpathians.
In Kyiv region
No precipitation. South wind, 3-8 m/s. Temperature at night 10-15°; during the day 24-29°.