
Massive enemy shelling caused two forest fires in Kharkiv region

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Two forest fires broke out in Kharkiv region due to Russia's massive shelling of frontline settlements in the Kupiansk district.

On Sunday, April 14, Russians launched massive artillery and mortar attacks on frontline settlements in Kupiansk district, Kharkiv region. As a result, two fires broke out in forests on the outskirts of the villages of Kurylivka and Podoly in Kupyansk district. This was reported by the State Emergency Service, UNN reports.


According to the State Emergency Service, the area of the fire in Kurylivka village was about 0.5 hectares, and in Podoly village - about 200 square meters.

 Rescuers extinguished the fires and prevented the flames from spreading to a larger area and nearby residential buildings.

На Черкащині рятувальники ліквідували пожежу електротяга12.04.24, 11:57


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