
Kornienko announces the reason for canceling Poroshenko's trip

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Kornienko found that a letter stamped "For official use only" was the reason for canceling Poroshenko's trip

First Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Kornienko said during a telethon that the decision to cancel the foreign business trip of MP Petro Poroshenko was made after receiving a letter marked "For official use only", the content of which he cannot disclose, UNN reports.


According to Kornienko, Poroshenko stated that the reason for traveling abroad was participation in a party forum event, not a parliamentary event.

This is an international democratic union. It is a community of parties, probably including the European Solidarity party. And he wrote that there would be high-level meetings in parallel with this. According to our internal documents, participation in party events is allowed, but when we received a letter from the State Security Service (for official use - ed.), which I cannot comment on, we were forced to cancel this business trip,

Kornienko said.

As a reminder,

MP from the European Solidarity party, the fifth president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said on Friday that he was once again not allowed to go abroad on a business trip. Later it became knownthat his business trip abroad was canceled by the Verkhovna Rada.

Lilia Podolyak



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