
July 6: International Dnipro Day, World Cardiologist Day, Muslim New Year

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Today, on the first Saturday of July, various events are taking place on the occasion of the International Day of the Dnipro, UNN reports.

The first written evidence of the Dnipro was left by Herodotus in his descriptions of Scythia, dated 450 BC. The ancient Greek historian saw the river as full-flowing, with clean and tasty water, with lots of fish, and described the Dnipro banks as  fertile fields and rich pastures for cattle with tall grasses.

Human activity, especially in the twentieth century, has had a negative impact on the ecosystem of Ukraine's largest river.

The ecosystem of the Dnipro River was particularly severely affected by the Chornobyl disaster and the barbaric blowing up of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station dam by the Russian occupiers.

Some scientists believe that the Dnipro may disappear completely in 300 years. To prevent this, today's event was initiated. the complete destruction of the Dnipro in about 300 years, if we do not start taking measures to restore it today.

All cardiologists in the world celebrate their professional holiday on July 6.

Cardiology is one of the most important areas of modern medicine. According to statistics, about 90% of all diseases on Earth are related to the cardiovascular system.

However, despite the latest treatment methods, modern technologies, and the professionalism of cardiologists, unfortunately, cardiovascular diseases have been the leading cause of death among people both on our planet and in Ukraine for many years.

Every year, up to 17 million people die from them and related diseases on the Earth. In Ukraine, this figure ranges from 400-500 thousand deaths per year.

July 6 is also considered the birthday of the dollar. It was on this day in 1785 that the US Continental Congress proclaimed that the dollar would become the country's national currency. Thus, the United States became the first country in the world to have a national currency called the dollar.

In 1792, the Philadelphia Mint was established, where the first American dollars were minted. The appearance of the paper dollar was constantly changing.  In the early twentieth century, portraits were allowed to be printed on dollars, but only of deceased people. The dollar got its modern look in 1928.

Today, you can still join the World Kiss Day. This holiday appeared in the UK in the nineteenth century and later gained popularity in many countries around the world.

A kiss is not only a pleasure, but also a process of mutual immunity boosting, because during the touch of the lips, more than 200 species of various bacteria are transmitted from one to another.

A kiss has a positive effect on human health. It helps to increase heart rate and improve blood circulation. As a result, it increases the overall tone of a person.

In 1981, the science of kissing - philematology - was born.

Since 1995, the International Day of Cooperatives has been celebrated every first Saturday in July.

It is believed that the first cooperative was founded in 1944 by 28 workers at a weaving factory in the UK. They decided to pool their financial resources to purchase foodstuffs such as sugar, flour, cereals, and butter.

Today, about 300 million people on our planet are involved in the cooperative movement.

On the night of July 6-7, Muslims celebrate the New Year.

Muslims count from Hijrah, the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and the first Muslims to Medina from Mecca in 622 AD.

The Muslim year lasts 11-12 days less than that of Christian nations, and each new day begins after sunset, as the lunar  calendar is used. Therefore, the start date of the New Year is variable - it coincides with the beginning of the month of Muharam and is determined annually by astronomical calculations.

Muslims do not celebrate the New Year with mass events. On the eve of the New Year, they remember deceased relatives, and on the day of the New Year, men go to the mosque to listen to a sermon. This is the beginning of a month-long period of mandatory strict fasting.

According to the church calendar, today is the day of remembrance of St. Sisoy the Great.

From a young age, he decided to devote his life to serving the Lord and took monastic vows.

Sisoy was known for his asceticism, spent almost all his time in prayer, and had the gift of healing.

Serhiy, Anatoliy, Valentyn, Marta, and Ulyana celebrate their namesakes on July 6.


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