
In the fall, Zhytomyr wants to introduce a six-day school week for students

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Zhytomyr plans to introduce six-day classes in the first semester. This will create a reserve of days in case of prolonged power outages in winter and avoid online learning.

In Zhytomyr, in the first semester of this school year, children will be taught six days a week, instead of the usual five. This was stated by the mayor of the city Serhiy Sukhomlyn, reports Suspilne, writes UNN.


Sukhomlyn explained that is currently preparing a decision on six-day schooling, because in case of prolonged power outages in winter, this will allow to extend the holidays, avoiding the transition to online learning.

We need to create a reserve in these few months so that we don't have to switch to distance learning. It is impossible to teach children online because the quality of education suffers. We plan to have children go to school on Saturdays. Thus, we will accumulate additional days and monitor the situation in the winter. If a critical situation arises and large-scale power outages continue, we will be able to extend the holidays for a month or a month and a half or two weeks, for example

- explains the mayor of Zhytomyr. 

Попереду навчальний рік: Зеленський доручив уряду прискоритись із допомогою у побудові укриттів30.07.24, 18:52

According to him, consultations with schools are currently underway, after which the decision on six-day schooling will be made public.


Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovyi said during a national telethon that Ukrainian schoolchildren are at least two years behind the educational program.


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