
In Russia, prisoners are tortured in the cold to force them to go to war - rosmedia

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The Russian authorities are using cold torture in prisons to force prisoners to sign contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Human rights activist Olga Bendas reports that coercive tactics are being intensified.

In some Russian colonies, the authorities decided to use the New Year's frosts to practice cold torture and thus force prisoners to sign contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense. This was reported by human rights activist Olga Bendas to the No Future telegram channel, UNN reports.

"They come for prisoners regularly. They squeeze out everything they can to get them to sign a contract," said Bendas. "It's strange, but every time they find new idiots.

According to Bendas' sources, representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry visit the colonies every two weeks. The prisoners are reluctant to sign contracts, so the heads of the colonies are using more and more sophisticated methods of pressure. For example, one of Bendas's interlocutors had his underpants confiscated in 20-degree temperatures.


In October 2023, the Russian Ministry of Justice reported a record reduction in the number of prisoners in Russian colonies - 54 thousand people compared to the same period last year. According to Mediazone, two-thirds of them could have been recruited for the war.

Antonina Tumanova



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