
High probability of "Zircon" strikes: russians deployed "Bastion" launchers in Crimea - mass media

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In the temporarily occupied Crimea, the russians have probably deployed Bastion launchers: 2 on Cape Tarkhankut and 1 on Cape Fiolent, raising the possibility of Oniks or Zircon missiles being used within the next 12 hours.

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, russians have probably deployed Bastion launchers . This is reported by the Telegram channel "Crimean Wind", according to UNN .


According to Ukrainian intelligence, 2 "Bastion" launchers have been deployed at Cape Tarkhankut, and 1 "Bastion" launcher has been deployed at Cape Fiolent

- the post reads. 

It is noted that within the next 12 hours there is a high probability of using Oniks or Zircon missiles.

Російські балістичні ракети: що є у ворога та чим це збивати 28.03.24, 15:27


Ukrainian Air Force Command spokesman Ilya Yevlash said that Ukraine has air defense systems such as SAMP/T and Patriot that can shoot down russian Zircon hypersonic missilesbut needs more such systems to protect critical infrastructure along the long front line,


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