
Gostomel was shelled: German military identified in Russia

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German prosecutors have identified the Russian soldiers who shelled Gostomel in 2022, the Justice Minister reports. If the suspects are detained, they will face trial.

The German Prosecutor's Office has identified the alleged Russian servicemen who fired on civilians in Gostomel in 2022. This was announced by German Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann, DW writes, according to UNN


 Then in Gostomel, a German citizen became one of the victims of Russian shelling. So far, the prosecutor's office has managed to identify the suspects. 

"If we can detain them, we will file a lawsuit," Bushman said. 

If the authorities of Ukraine or other countries detain the suspects, they will hand over evidence to Germany.

According to German law, a trial can only be held if the suspects are present in person. Thus, as DW notes, there are likely to be no verdicts in absentia in Germany regarding Russia's war in Ukraine - only if the alleged criminals are in Germany.

The investigation has been ongoing since the first weeks of the war, and has become one of the most thoroughly documented in history, in particular through a wealth of photo and video materials.  


As of December 22, there are officially 3800 civilianswho have survived torture by the occupiers, but the total number may be much higher.

Tatiana Kraevskaya

Crimes and emergencies


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