
Gas infrastructure damaged in Poltava region as a result of Russia's attack, one worker killed, three wounded - Energy Ministry

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As a result of the attack by Russian troops on Poltava region on July 3, gas infrastructure was damaged, a 49-year-old employee of Ukrgazvydobuvannya JSC was killed and three others were injured, the Energy Ministry reported on Thursday, UNN reports.

As a result of the attack on Poltava region, gas infrastructure was damaged, and an employee of Ukrgazvydobuvannya JSC was killed. 

- the Ministry of Energy reported on Telegram.

The Ministry reminded that yesterday, July 3, 2024, Russia attacked Poltava region.

Одна людина загинула і ще троє отримали поранення під час атаки росіян на Полтавщину - ОВА03.07.24, 19:08

"The damaged infrastructure also includes the Ukrgasvydobuvannya facility. Unfortunately, a 49-year-old electrician was killed in the attack, and three employees were injured," the Energy Ministry said.

They are reportedly being provided with the necessary medical care.

"Work is underway to localize and eliminate the consequences of the emergency, and all relevant services are working," the Energy Ministry said in a statement.

Julia Shramko



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