
EU today transfers first €1.5 billion from Russian assets to Ukraine

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Ursula von der Leyen announced the transfer of 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian assets for the defense and reconstruction of Ukraine. The funds will be transferred today, as the head of the European Commission noted on the social network X.

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced the transfer of the first 1.5 billion euros from frozen Russian assets for the defense and reconstruction of Ukraine, UNN reports.

The EU stands with Ukraine. Today we transfer €1.5 billion in proceeds from immobilised Russian assets to the defence and reconstruction of Ukraine

- wrote von der Leyen in X.

She emphasized that "there is no better symbol or use for the Kremlin’s money than to make Ukraine and all of Europe a safer place to live."

Euroclear анонсував перший транш у 1,55 млрд євро від активів рф для України у липні19.07.24, 14:19


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