
Enemy starts installing DGPS navigation units on Shahed-136 kamikaze drones - media

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The Russians began to equip the Shahids with DGPS navigation units and trackers to improve accuracy and track their location.

The Russians have begun to equip Shahed-136 drones with DGPS navigation units that can improve their accuracy. This is reported by Defense Express, UNN.

According to the publication, citing its own sources, during the examination of the wreckage of one of the downed drones, a unit of equipment was found , on which all factory markings were erased, instead, DGPS and a certain combination of numbers were applied with a felt-tip pen.

DGPS is a differential global positioning system that provides increased location accuracy. That is, in theory, it can improve the hit accuracy of these drones.

Such navigation systems can have a "dual use" and be used for civilian equipment, such as agricultural machinery for precision tillage.

The publication also draws attention to the unit labeled ADC-PLS-002, which can be used, among other things, to collect data on the speed of the aircraft. 

This mode of operation requires the use of two receivers, one of which is stationary and located at a point with known coordinates, and the other receiver is mobile.

The data received by the base receiver is then used to correct the data collected by the mobile unit, which can be done in real time.


Experts of the Kyiv Research Institutein previously found that the Russians had begun equipping their Orlan-10 reconnaissance drones with foreign-made trackers designed to track the location of objects.

According to Oleksandr Ruvin, director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, this indicates that the enemy is trying to expand the functions of its reconnaissance drones.

"In Russian reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles of the Orlan-10 type, the experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise found trackers for tracking the location of objects. All recent samples of UAVs that have been submitted for examination have such elements. This indicates that the enemy uses drones not only for general information gathering, but also for systematic tracking of the points where "enemy birds" are shot down or land.

The trackers are equipped with main and autonomous power sources, so even after the main systems fail, before the loss of communication, the coordinates can be sent.

Like most components of the electronic component base in Russian weapons, trackers are dual-use goods and can be used for civilian and military purposes. Their components, chips and microcircuits, are not produced in Russia," Ruvin said.

Бойову частину "шахедів" почали доповнювати шрапнеллю – Олександр Рувін15.12.23, 10:22

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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