
Enemy fires FPV drone at Mykolaiv region: industrial enterprise damaged

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A drone fired by Russian troops damaged an industrial facility in Mykolaiv region, causing no casualties.

Yesterday, the Russian army attacked the territory of the Vesnianska community of Mykolaiv region with an FPV-type kamikaze drone, causing no casualties and damaging an industrial enterprise. This was reported by the head of the RMA Vitaliy Kim, UNN reports

Yesterday, on April 28, at 11:09 a.m., the enemy sent a FPV kamikaze drone at the territory of Vesnianska community. As a result, the property of an industrial enterprise was damaged

- Kim wrote on Telegram.

According to him, there were no casualties as a result of the enemy attack.

Армія рф вдарила понад 340 разів по Запорізькій області: поцілила ракетою по Запоріжжю, є поранений 29.04.24, 07:28


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