
Employee of TCC who sold certificates to tax evaders to be tried in Odesa region

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An officer of the military commissariat in Odesa region will stand trial for receiving a $7,000 bribe for illegally removing three men from military registration to help them avoid mobilization.

An employee of the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi RTC and JV, who helped men liable for military service avoid mobilization for money, will be tried in Odesa region. This is reported by the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation, UNN writes.


It is noted that law enforcement officers have completed a pre-trial investigation into a serviceman who sold certificates to evaders. The indictment has now been submitted to court.

The SBI documented the receipt of USD 7 thousand by a military registration and enlistment office employee for deregistering three men. The official is currently suspended from his position. He is charged with three counts of influence peddling (part 2 of Article 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

- the SBI summarized.

Двох працівників ТЦК на Львівщині судитимуть за катування та утримування чоловіків у військкоматі22.02.24, 12:38


It was established that for USD 2 thousand, the dealer made documents declaring his "clients" unfit for military service, and for USD 3 thousand, men could also be removed from the military register.

The man faces up to 5 years in prison


In Vinnytsia region , employees of the Vinnytsia United City TCC and the JV, who helped men with military service to avoid mobilization and leave the country for money, will be tried.


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