Durov supports free access to information on Telegram, but announces "certain changes" for users with Ukrainian SIM cards. This was reported by Telegram owner Pavel Durov, UNN reports.
Durov, the founder of Telegram, recalled that in February 2022, an idea was proposed to restrict some Telegram channels in russia and Ukraine because of their use for military propaganda.
However, users from both countries opposed these restrictions, considering freedom of access to information a priority. Therefore, the founder of Telegram supported the choice of users in free access to information.
Despite this, Durov also noted that Telegram remains determined to combat the propaganda of violence and protect the privacy of users. Therefore, the platform will continue to block accounts and bots that violate these principles and encourages users to report any such cases.
In particular, Durov noted that Telegram receives official letters from Apple regarding the need to change the way the platform functions for users who access it through iPhones with Ukrainian SIM cards.
As for the general news/propaganda channels, we are receiving official letters from Apple stating that certain changes are unavoidable, at least for users accessing Telegram on iPhones with Ukrainian SIM cards. As I explained in my interview, in order to remain accessible to its users, Telegram has to consider requests coming from the App Store
Durov emphasized that despite the platform's desire to ensure freedom of speech, sometimes decisions on access to information are not entirely up to them, and they must take into account legal requirements and other circumstances.